Monday, 6 September 2010

A New Pal for Anorak

I have just found out that I have won the competition to design Anoraks Happy Pal. I am so incredibly pleased because it is my favourite comic EVER. The competition was to design a happy pal for the character Anorak from the magazine. This is my entry, Coat the dog.

Click on the picture for a close up.

Here is the announcement about the competition on Anoraks Blog

There is an awesome list of prizes, I am particularly looking forward to going to the circus.
I cannot wait for the Autumn issue of Anorak to come out so I can see Coat with his new friend I hope they will be very happy together.

If you want to see Coat with Anorak for yourself you can order the Autumn issue which is all about friendship at Anorak Shop

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Dr Who

My mum and I made these from cardboard punch outs - they are very cool and realistic!

Psychic Wallet with access to Torchwood showing

Psychic Wallet

Sonic Screwdriver - zap mode

Sonic Screwdricer closed - non zap mode

Easter Tree and my Cat Jess

Snake made from Fimo on Easter Tree

Snail made from Fimo on Easter tree

THE Easter Tree

Jess looking at the bird

Jess nibbling the tree

Jess rubbing her chin on the tree



Friday, 2 April 2010


I did a Google image search for Nausicaa of the Valley of the wind and looked for picture of an Ohmu. Then I printed them out in black and white and coloured them in.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Alien Invasion!

Retro Alien has landed on Planet Earth! What is this strange landscape?

Sunday, 14 February 2010

New Aston Martin

Here is my new Aston Martin that my Uncle and Aunty have sent to me. It is so cool!

It is the same scale as my Dodge Viper.

They look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is death that Joey made for me!!!

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Manga Fest

I drew these manga characters to go on my door. I traced them out of a book!!!!!!!! I am planning on doing even more.